Saturday, 13 September 2014

Yoga Teacher training London

Welcome to SYTT
Here you will be able to find all the information you require on our Yoga teacher training programs in Glasgow and London.
This course is designed for people who wish to deepen their Yoga experience and those who wish to qualify to teach it; for everyone it is an evolutional year.
International Diploma for Teaching Seasonal Yoga
Seasonal Yoga brings Seasonal Living back to life! 
The SYYT (Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training London) organization is an independent organization that strives on its high standard and the way in which it connects its students with nature and their own true selves.

Everyone who attends this year long course will benefit from the program. By combining the understanding of Chinese energy with the time honored techniques of Yoga, we aim to match your everyday life experiences with yoga and the world around you. What this means is that we realize that your practice will change with the seasons and when it is cold and you are working long hours in winter you will have less energy than in the summer. Our course is set up to look into your personal habits such as your diet, mindset, lifestyle, and energy, allowing us to help you use the tools you have most efficiently. As well as the practical side of yoga, we cover the philosophy behind it and that of medication, allowing you to really get to grips with these complex ideas. We are there to help you every step of the way with classes and meetings as well as monthly modules, assisting you ever step of the way with beneficial changes. 

We understand that no two Yoga teachers are alike, and that in order to get the most out of Yoga you will need to understand your own passion for it. We therefore do not try to create one teacher from our own image, but help you develop your own individual teaching style by using our tools. We also realize that not everyone who attends out course does so to become a teacher; many of our students simply want to further develop their journey with Yoga.